University of Minnesota Uses Entuity to Strategically Manage and Upgrade Complex Network Environment


成立于1851年, the prestigious University of Minnesota is one of the most comprehensive public universities in the United States. It is a premiere research university with faculty of national and international reputation, 提供强大的教育和公共十大赌博正规老平台传统.

Entuity managed the successful upgrade of University of Minnesota’s infrastructure. 企业的综合业绩, 故障和库存管理, reporting capabilities and extensibility minimizes the number of tools University of Minnesota requires, 这有助于更有效地管理成本和提供十大赌博正规老平台.

明尼苏达大学致力于教学和学习, 研究和发现, 公众参与. 该大学为7万多名学生和教师提供十大赌博正规老平台. It offers degrees in more than 370 fields of study through its four campuses (Twin Cities, 德卢斯, 莫里斯, 据), 一个在罗切斯特的合作中心, 扩展的办公室, 以及研究和拓展中心.

Keeping its distributed community well-connected 24×7 is vital to the University’s Office of Information Technology (OIT). OIT’s Networking and Telecommunications 十大赌博正规老平台 (NTS) group operates and manages the Twin Cities campus network. 它提供前端语音, data, 视频通信十大赌博正规老平台, 包括电话和数据连接以及远程访问十大赌博正规老平台.

“The ability to integrate leading edge emerging technologies into our network infrastructure to support and improve it for future growth and sustained availability is crucial,明尼苏达大学数据网络经理说, Design and Operations within the Networking and Telecommunications 十大赌博正规老平台 group. Reliable access to the network for its entire community helps the University in its overall goal of providing premier research and educational services. An in-depth review of the University’s existing infrastructure highlighted that the Twin Cities campus data network, 于一九九七年安装, 已经超过了5年的预期寿命. “We were hitting a ceiling – we could not easily extend and add new technologies and services to the network to effectively support our community,经理说.

The NTS group determined a major upgrade of the Twin Cities’ campus network infrastructure was required. 我们的分布网络不断扩大,已经有150家,000端口, the NTS group also determined it required a more effective and proactive means to monitor and manage the upgrade to a new network. The NTS group developed a detailed Request For Proposal (RFP) for the network upgrade, 包括一个关于网络管理的详尽章节, 取代过时的系统.

通过其广泛的RFP评分过程, 大学选择了新的设备——思科6500的边界, 骨干和核心基础设施, 然后除以2,200 Cisco 3750 switches across 300 buildings for the distribution and edge devices.

国税厅还对多种网络管理工具进行了评价. Entuity是根据其对RFP的评分表现来选择的.

“我们需要 网络监控与管理 that could easily handle our complex, changing environment,” states Mike Faust, Design Engineer. “Entuity在我们的RFP评估中得分最高. 企业综合业绩, 故障和库存管理, 报告功能和可扩展性帮助它获得了领先的分数.”

“Entuity satisfied our network management system requirements and did so all in one solution. 实体化使我们所需的工具数量最小化, 帮助我们更有效地管理成本和提供十大赌博正规老平台,经理说.

Also critical in the University’s RFP scoring evaluation is that Entuity consolidates and correlates three operational disciplines using a centralized repository, 强大的分析引擎, 展示和通知以及前所未有的报告. The convergence of different types of information allows Entuity a unique understanding of network events, 网络使用的变化及其对业务的影响. Entuity提供:

  • 绩效管理, using Service Degradation Sensitivity to predict problems so infrastructure managers can take action before users notice
  • 可用性管理,区分网络, server and application faults and then reports the True Cause along with its business implications
  • 资源管理, offering a full inventory of IT infrastructure assets and what they are connected to. Included is a Spare Ports Report that saves costs in just hours after implementation

“Entuity satisfied our network management system requirements and did so all in one solution. 实体化使我们所需的工具数量最小化, 帮助我们更有效地管理成本和提供十大赌博正规老平台.”

  • Extensibility: The University’s network constantly changes as new technologies are added, 例如BGP, VPN和新的安全防火墙十大赌博正规老平台. Entuity is easily extensible and configurable to quickly add these components to monitor and manage them. The University plans to ‘tune’ Entuity to collect the specific information needed to improve the management and operation of the entire network
  • Ease of use: Entuity requires less overhead, administration and maintenance. Infrastructure discovery is up-to-date and information is quickly available. Entuity provides a distributed view down to the object level (device, port, WAN link, etc)
  • 报告:企业的报告提供了访问重要统计数据的途径, providing for proactive network management and the ability to extend information to all 客户
  • Rapid implementation and out-of-the-box flexibility: Entuity is quickly installed, 在几小时内启动并运行并收集网络数据

“Entuity是一个合作伙伴. 他们会迅速回答我们的问题, 培训要求和业务需要, continuing to demonstrate their commitment as a strategic element of our leading edge Network Upgrade Project. 我们参与了Entuity的产品规划. Participating with Entuity in the process to progress Entuity will help us meet our goals and objectives as we evolve to more proactive network management for the future.”


  • Proactively manage network and connections and provide more reliable community support
  • Leverage inventory management and statistical reporting; determine resource limitations to improve network utilization
  • Use impact analysis; understand the impact of changes and forecast future needs
  • Identify and address collisions and blockages with effective fault management
  • View previously hidden edge port conditions; communicate to departments and fix problems
  • 淘汰国产系统
  • 防止出现十大赌博正规老平台问题

拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.